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(5.5 h)

(+1 h)

March 1, 2024

Components • Angular

  • Accepting data with input properties
  • Custom events with outputs
  • Content projection with ng-content
    • "You cannot add directives, styles, or arbitrary attributes to <ng-content>."
    • "You should not conditionally include <ng-content> with ngIf, ngFor, or ngSwitch. For conditional rendering of component content, see Template fragments."
  • Host elements
  • Lifecycle
    • During initialization: constructor -change detection-> ngOnChanges -> ngOnInt -> ngDoCheck -> ngAfterXxxInit -> ngAfterXxxChecked -rendering-> afterRender
    • Subsequent updates: change detection ngOnChanges -> ngDoCheck -> ngAfterXxxChecked -rendering-> afterRender

Feature preview - Developer guides


(+0.5 h)

January 28, 2024

Components • Angular

  • Anatomy of components
  • Importing and using components
    • "The Angular team recommends using standalone components for all new development."
  • Selectors
    • Selector prefixes - "The Angular team recommends using a short, consistent prefix for all the custom components defined inside your project."
    • When to use an attribute selector - "You should consider an attribute selector when you want to create a component on a standard native element."
  • Styling
    • ViewEncapsulation.Emulated: scoped, but other global styles can affect
    • ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom: scoped, and global styles cannot affect
    • ViewEncapsulation.None: global

v17 Tutorial
(+1.5 h)

January 27, 2024

Interactive tutorial for v17

  • Composing Components
    • imports and selector
  • Control Flow in Components (Template syntax)
    • @if, @else
    • @for, track
  • Deferrable Views
    • @defer with on viewport
    • @placeholder with minimum
    • @loading with minimum and after
  • Optimizing images
    • NgOptimizedImage and ngSrc
    • layout shift
    • priority for LCP element
    • image loader
  • Two-way binding
    • [()], aka "banana in a box"
    • [(ngModel)] in FormsModule
  • Reactive forms
    • <form [formGroup]=...
    • <form (ngSubmit)=...
    • Validators and form.valid
  • DI (Dependency injection)
    • Creating an injectable service by @injectable
    • Inject
      • inject()
      • constructor-based DI
  • Pipes
    • Built-in pipes: DatePipe, DecimalPipe, CurrencyPipe, ...
    • Custom pipes with @Pipe

Homes tutorial
(+2.5 h)

January 26, 2024

First App Tutorial - Angular Homes

  • Component
    • Metadata
    • @Input decorator - component props
    • Prop binding - [attribute]="value"
    • Event binding - (event)="handler"
    • Template reference variable - #var
    • Interpolation -
    • *ngFor (CommonModule)
  • Interface
  • Angular services (@angular/core)
    • Dependency injection
  • Angular router (@angular/router)
    • ActivetedRoute (route.snapshot.params['id'])
    • <router-outlet>
  • ReactiveFormsModule
  • HTTP communication

Released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.