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March 26, 2024

Remix Tutorial

In the Remix route file convention, . will create a / in the URL and $ makes a segment dynamic.

Quick Start
(+0.5 h)

March 25, 2024

Quick Start

The build/server directory created by remix vite:build is just a module that you run inside a server like Express, Cloudflare Workers, Netlify, Vercel, Fastly, AWS, Deno, Azure, Fastify, Firebase, ... anywhere.

Instead of stopping, rebuilding, and starting your server all the time, you can run Remix in development using Vite in middleware mode. This enables instant feedback to changes in your app with React Refresh (Hot Module Replacement) and Remix Hot Data Revalidation.

Remix compiles your app into two things:

  • A request handler that you add to your own JavaScript server
  • A pile of static assets in your public directory for the browser

You can bring your own server with adapters to deploy anywhere You can set up a development workflow with HMR built-in

Released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.