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(122 h)


Currently reading Understand ES6

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IEEE 754
(+2 h)

March 11, 2024

Bartek Szopka: Everything you never wanted to know about JavaScript numbers - JSConf EU 2013 - YouTube

IEEE-754 Floating Point representation explained

Just JavaScript
(+20 h)

June, 2023

Just JavaScript

(+100 h)

Rewinding back to some day in 2016, in an introduction to computer science class, I was "luckily" chosen to be the presenter for the next class, where I had to show everyone the webpage I would be working on for the next week, marking my first line of JavaScript.

In 2019, I began my internship at an internet company, then in 2020, I officially joined another internet company, becoming a full-time JavaScript developer. Excluding the gap year, by March 2024, I had been writing JavaScript for almost 4 years.

However, writing JavaScript for 4 years and studying JavaScript for 4 years are completely different concepts. I would estimate that the actual time spent on learning was only about 100 hours, including learning introductory tutorials, frontend interview questions, ES6 exercises, book reading (You Don't Know JS), blog reading, and so on. All of these learnings were not particularly in-depth.

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